“Tourism Experience as Capital for the Development of Tourist Attractions”

“The intangible tourism product should be packaged as conveniently, attractively and accessibly as possible” (WTO 2007) Tourism products that are not visible in compiling a tour package that is ready to be enjoyed in total by tourists must be prepared starting from the theme, attractions offered, accessibility, amenities, activities, and accommodation. The packages offered must […]
“Ndulubas Point ; Diving for Healing”

After several previous diving opportunities, dive in spots that have a flat or slightly sloping bottom, precisely at the Paisumatano Kautu spot and Pompon Lalong Beach. Well, yesterday we were lucky because get the opportunity to try a diving spot with a wall contour. This diving spot is known as Ndulubas point. To reach this […]
Enjoy The Holiday

Liburan adalah waktu untuk beristirahat dari rutinitas sehari-hari, seperti pekerjaan atau sekolah untuk melakukan berbagai kegiatan. Liburan bisa dilakukan bersama keluarga, teman, atau sendiri. Kegiatan yang dilakukan selama liburan bisa beragam, seperti berwisata, bermain game, menonton film, memasak dan lain-lain. Pada saat liburan tentunya kalian sudah memikirkan kegiatan apa yang akan kalian lakukan di hari […]
Good management of mass tourism in Banggai Kepulauan improves the regional economy

Paisumatano beach in Kautu, is one example of mass tourism. Mass tourism is tourism that is carried out by many tourists at the same time. Mass tourism usually occurs in this popular tourist attraction such as what happened in Banggai Kepulauan for example in Paisumatano Kautu. Mass tourism is a type of tourism that involves […]
The importance of community-based tourism in Banggai Kepulauan

Banggai Kepulauan, located in Central Sulawesi, Indonesia, boasts stunning natural beauty, including pristine beaches, lush forests, and vibrant marine life. To Improve Banggai Kepulauan tourism, Community base Tourism (CBT) as an emerging initiative aimed at empowering local communities and promoting sustainable tourism is very important. Here are some key aspects of CBT: Local Involvement: The […]
10 Popular Tourist Attraction in Banggai Kepulauan

Temukan permata tersembunyi di Banggai Kepulauan! Dari pantai yang menakjubkan hingga warisan budaya yang kaya dan pemandangan yang memukau, jelajahi dunia bawah laut yang menawan. Tempat ini menawarkan petualangan yang tak terlupakan. Berikut adalah 10 tempat wisata yang wajib dikunjungi yang menampilkan keindahan dan pesona Banggai Kepulauan! Discover the hidden gems of Banggai Kepulauan! From […]